Don't Count Your Chickens; Nafta's End Could Hit U.s. Poultry Hard

Stats & Facts

Agriculture in San Diego promotes long-term economic viability, sustainability, and community building.

Value: Ranking top 20 in the nation and 12th in the state, San Diego boasts top crops in nursery, flowers, avocados, tomatoes, citrus, poultry, eggs, mushrooms, succulents, and strawberries. 68% of San Diego County farms are 1-9 acres and nearly 19% are operated by women. San Diego County is a national leader in certified organic growers with 385 certified organic farms and San Diego County is home to 44 certified Farmers Markets throughout the county. San Diego County growers represent $1.7B in farm gate value, translating into $5B in county economic value.

San Diego County Farming.

There are 5,732 farms within San Diego County. Full-time, part-time, large, small, conventional, organic, urban, rural, established and just starting out.

Different. That's what San Diego agriculture is.

In many parts of the country the word farm brings to mind rich soil, large acreages, plentiful water, and green fields. But in San Diego the word farm often means poor soil, small acreages, and scarce water. And it works! San Diego agriculture is a billion-dollar industry, the fourth largest in the county.

Leading the Urbanized Agriculture Charge.

The City of San Diego is California's second largest city and the nation's eighth. The county's population is increasing, surpassing 3.2 million people and placing it fifth in counties in the nation. Land prices are high and soil conditions are sometimes poor. Although it might not seem like the ideal place to grow some crops, San Diego farmers have specialized in integrating agricultural activity and urban living. Farmers grow crops with a high dollar value per acre, like nursery products and flowers, so they don't need hundreds of acres to make a living. San Diego far surpasses its fellow top producing counties in terms of average dollar value per acre. And compare San Diego's agricultural production to other urbanized areas of California, such as San Francisco and Los Angeles, and you will find it is more valuable than both of those counties combined.

Farm Bureau Speaks Out

  • September 4, 2019 AB 1783 (Rivas) – OPPOSE
  • July 31, 2019 County of San Diego's Land Development Code Comprehensive Update – COMMENTS
  • June 7, 2019  Proposed Modifications to the 2004 TransNet Extension Ordinance – OPPOSE
  • May 31, 2019 Proposed Basin Plan Amendment to Incorporate Biological Objectives – COMMENTS

Press Releases


 Building a Climate Friendly San Diego From the Ground Up

This report is intended for policy makers, farmers & ranchers, and all interested San Diegans. It introduces the benefits and opportunities of carbon farming, and highlights the important role that San Diego County agriculture can play in reducing the causes of climate change and building a climate resilient region. Read the report here.

In The Press:

  • California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory Necropsy Services for California Backyard Poultry Owners
  • Virulent Newcastle Disease detected in San Diego County
  • Valley Center Happenings: Women Who Harvest
  • EC Californian: Fire Mitigation Fee Rates Increase
  • Ag Alert
  • KPBS: Oceanside Open Space Development Initiative Heads To November Ballot
  • KPBS: Oceanside Planning Commission Doubles Down On Proposed Medicinal Marijuana Ordinance
  • San Diego Union Tribune: North County
  • San Diego Union Tribune: Early "bud break" a concern to local grape growers
  • San Diego Union Tribune: Farm Bureau opposes proposed ag preservation measure
  • San Diego Union Tribune
  • Ag Alert: Water-quality regulation will set precedents
  • Valley Center: Remembering the Konyn Dairy
  • San Diego Union Tribune: Supervisors approve $300,000 for local nonprofits, though two have state paperwork issues
  • Reuters: Don't count your chickens; NAFTA's end could hit U.S. poultry hard
  • Unsafe Foods: Oh No! Not the Avocados!
  • San Diego Union Tribune: North County farms, nurseries placed on fruit fly quarantine
  • San Diego Union Tribune

Support San Diego Agriculture.

Together, we can reframe the urban agriculture conversation and promote jobs, the economy, food security, community, and all of the benefits of local agriculture.

  • Media Contact:
    • Taylor Zumstein
    • (760) 745-3023

Don't Count Your Chickens; Nafta's End Could Hit U.s. Poultry Hard


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